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Hold the standard and get qualified applicants with screening services from NationSearch!
Environmental control requires applicants with specialized skills and experience, so it’s crucial that you can verify education, work history, references, and more.
Partner with NationSearch for all of your environmental control screening services.

Choose NationSearch today!
- Flexible employment screening packages
- Competitive prices
- Hire more quickly
- Feel confident in who you hire
- Unmatched customer care
- Easy-to-use technology
When the position you’re filling includes “the health and welfare of Planet Earth” in its long-term list of established objectives, you can’t rely on just anyone who feels like applying for the job. The majority of positions in the environmental control industry require highly specialized skills, knowledge, and training in various niche disciplines. Qualifications are strict, and for good reason.
By putting together strategic custom screening packages for these companies, NationSearch has been able to consistently verify the educational background, job history, professional certifications, licensing, ongoing education and, of course, criminal history records of applicants to these important positions. Our environmental industry clients rely on our personalized background screening services to help them fill positions with the right candidates.

Flexible Employment Screening Packages
At NationSearch, we offer a variety of screening packages that serve both small businesses and high-volume hiring corporations. Choose from our entry, experienced, professional, and executive level screening packages.
Competitive Prices
We’ve compiled a myriad of competitively priced screening packages that fit with the volume of hiring applicants you receive. We can also customize packages to target searches that are more industry-specific. For example, environment control is focused more on employment and education verification.
Hire More Quickly
Our screening services allow you to hire more quickly because of our rapid turnaround time results. Once your applicant fills out the proper forms, we get right to work.
Feel Confident in Who You Hire
Trust and confidence in your employees matters greatly! And, more than ever, it’s crucial to get a bigger picture of who you’re hiring. Not only are criminal background checks important, but in environmental control, we can verify any licenses they have in addition to any real-time convictions they may have.
Unmatched Customer Care
It’s important that you’re able to access all of your screenings promptly. If you run into any issues or have any pressing questions, we’re here to support you.
Easy-To-Use Technology
We’ve created a client portal that you can log into and access all of your screening information, in one easy place. Find what you need, effortlessly!
Our seamless process reduces stress and confusion by delivering accurate, FCRA compliant background checks.
From small businesses to major institutions, we work one-on-one with companies in diverse industries to meet specific screening needs.
We're committed to delivering detailed results quickly so you can be confident in your hiring decisions.