When You Should Partner With a Trusted Background Search Company

There are a lot of reasons why you might need to do a background check on someone. Whatever the reason, if you need to conduct a background check, it’s important that you partner with a company you can trust. Here at NationSearch, we deliver results…

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The Relevance of Background Checks in Transportation

Steer your hiring process in the right direction with background checks! The Department of Transportation (DOT) has many regulations relating to the transportation industry, and background checks are just one facet of best practices to follow to ensure a reliable and safe hire.  At NationSearch,…

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5 Benefits of Background Screenings in Healthcare

Enhance patient care with background checks in medical fields. Hiring in the healthcare field revolves around a lot of working pieces to find a qualified candidate who will flourish in the position at hand. You’re looking for the whole picture — someone who is passionate…

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The Advantages of Background Screening Services in Finance

Feel confident in the employees you hire! Background screenings are becoming a routine process for almost every company — it’s important to know who you’re hiring in case any red flags emerge, and they’re arguably a non-negotiable in the financial industry because of the access…

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The Importance of Background Checks For Small Businesses

Apart from a peace of mind, background screenings for your small business keep everyone protected. Background screenings began with hunting out falsified information and omitted data to improve workplace safety and prevent unqualified people from filling positions. While many companies have spent time researching this…

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Man in a light-blue tie sitting in front of a computer.

Why Small Businesses Need Identity Verification

More than larger corporations, small businesses depend on the integrity of each and every employee to play their designated role in the functioning of the company. For this reason, it is crucial that, when making new hires, small businesses take extra precautions to ensure that…

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Close up of hands used to explain something on a computer screen, with another person in the background.

What’s Involved In Doing Background Screening On An Applicant

If your company has been around for a while, you know how much the hiring process has changed. You can easily receive over a hundred applications for a position that would have attracted maybe a dozen applicants forty years ago. Who has time to screen…

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People busy at a workplace environment with tables and computers.

Why E-Verify Is The Smart, Safe Choice For Employers

As an employer, you have an obligation to your employees and your company as a whole to maintain a safe, respectful work environment. Part of this involves hiring the right people who will contribute positively to your company culture. To this end, background checks are…

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Coworkers sitting at a share table in front of computers.

5 Useful Qualities Of Applicant Tracking Systems

Hiring today is different from what it was twenty or even ten years ago. Everything is more automated, background checks are more important than ever, and tracking systems can streamline the process to simplify life for hiring managers. If you haven’t yet tried working with…

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A group of children standing in a classroom with their teacher.

5 Industries That Can Benefit From Identity Verification Services

Every Industry Can Benefit, But We’re Highlighting Five In Particular No matter what industry your business is in, it’s important that you hire the right people. The success of your business depends on it; so does the safety of your workplace. Identity verification services can…

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Our seamless process reduces stress and confusion by delivering accurate, FCRA compliant background checks.

From small businesses to major institutions, we work one-on-one with companies in diverse industries to meet specific screening needs.

We're committed to delivering detailed results quickly so you can be confident in your hiring decisions.
